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Eversun Honor | Ministry of Industry and Information Technology "The Fifth Batch of Green Manufacturing List" released: Eversun Jinjiang was awarded the Green Factory

Recently, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China officially announced the fifth batch of green manufacturing lists, including 719 green factories, 1073 green design products, 53 green industrial parks, and 99 green supply chain management companies. Fujian Eversun Jinjiang Co., Ltd. is impressively listed in the "Fifth Batch of Green Factory List". With many advantages in infrastructure, management system, energy resources, product design, environmental emissions, etc., it stands out from many competitors. Won the title of "Green Factory".

It is reported that this move aims to implement the "Industrial Green Development Plan (2016-2020)" and "Green Manufacturing Engineering Implementation Guide (2016-2020)", accelerate the construction of a green manufacturing system, and lead the high-quality development of the industry. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology requires the local industry and information authorities to strengthen the link between the green manufacturing list and related industrial policies, and give full play to the demonstration role of point-to-face, leading the green transformation of manufacturing in the region.

Green manufacturing is an important means to solve national resource and environmental problems, an important task for realizing industrial transformation and upgrading, and an inevitable choice for enterprises to take the initiative to assume social responsibilities. The green factory is the main body of green manufacturing, and it is the core support unit of the green manufacturing system.

The establishment of a green factory is a strategic task proposed in the "Made in China 2025" program document. It is an inevitable way to optimize the structure of industrial enterprises, improve quality and efficiency, and achieve sustainable development. It is an important part of the low-carbon production process from plant construction, material procurement to the entire production process. reflect. The factory needs to develop and produce green products, adopt advanced clean technology and efficient end treatment equipment, and promote the optimization of energy structure. This is an inevitable trend of development. In the future, thousands of green demonstration factories will be established across the country.

As a leading enterprise in the chemical fiber industry, Eversun Jinjiang has always been at the forefront of the industry in terms of green environmental protection. For a long time, Yongrong Jinjiang has always been committed to creating an intelligent manufacturing system that is efficient, safe, excellent in quality, and environmentally friendly, and integrates the concept of green, environmental protection and low-carbon throughout the entire process of R&D, production and application, and builds a green responsible brand. Since its establishment in 2006, Yongrong Jinjiang has carried out technological innovation and system optimization through the implementation of coordinated development of green production, and has implemented the green concept throughout the product life cycle, achieving the smallest environmental impact, the highest resource and energy utilization rate, and obtaining economic and ecological benefits. Coordination and optimization of benefits and social benefits.

Being selected into the list of green factories this time is a high recognition of Yongrong Jinjiang's adherence to green development for many years. In the future, Eversun Jinjiang will continue to increase the basic work of green factory construction, in-depth grasp the quality, occupational health and safety, environment, energy and other management system construction work, further improve the green manufacturing system and green supply chain management, and become an international leader. The goal of the green, environmentally friendly and energy-saving company is moving forward!
